
Save the Date October 12th 2024!

Innisfail Riverfest

Innisfail Riverfest



2023 Innisfail Riverfest was a great success. Join us for a spectacular celebration of Innisfail, music, and community along the picturesque riverbanks of the Johnstone River in 2024. Immerse yourself in a weekend filled with excitement, entertainment, and unforgettable memories.

Food Stalls

Cultural Community Cuisine

Indulge your senses with a wide array of delicious culinary delights at the Innisfail Riverfest. From local favourites to international cuisine, savor the flavors from around the world prepared by local community groups. Treat yourself to mouthwatering street food, gourmet dishes, and delectable desserts that will tantalize your taste buds.

Hmong Cuisine

Italian Cuisine

Greek Cuisine

The Riverfest Queen

The 2023 Innisfail Riverfest

Congratulations to Rikki-Lee Broccardo who was crowned Miss Riverfest Queen 2023.
Special thank you to the 5 incredible ladies who made history in reigniting the (newly named) Riverfest Queen.
Rikki-Lee will attend special community events, support the committee over the next 12 months and be a role model for young women in our community.

Riverfest Queen Registrations for 2024

Calling all dynamic young women aged 18-25 in our community! Do you have a passion for growth and representing our region? This is your chance to shine!

Experience the thrill of the 2024 Miss Riverfest Queen Quest, an exclusive opportunity for residents of the vibrant Cassowary Coast Region. Join us in celebrating community spirit and heritage as we crown a Queen at the prestigious Riverfest Celebrations on Saturday, October 12, 2024.

This quest isn’t just about winning a title—it’s about making new friends, building confidence, having fun, and discovering the rich history of our region. Entries close on Saturday the 3rd of August, 2024, at 5 pm. Don’t miss out!

Download the Registration form below:

Events on the Day

Innisfail Hot Rod Cars

Check out the local car enthusiasts pride and joys. The Innisfail Hot Rods will have cars on show for most of the day.

Carnival Rides

Rides will be available for the young and young at heart. Enjoy the amazing atmosphere along the riverbanks.

Local Music Acts

Local musicians will entertain throughout the afternoon. Come down to support your favourite local artist.

Fireworks Finale

Fireworks will be our Grand Finale for the inaugural Innisfail Riverfest. Set from a barge on the Johnstone River, this will be the spectacle of the evening.

2023 Gallery

Innisfail Riverfest


Our Platinum Partners

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